External data protection officer

The all-round carefree package in data protection


As companies are now legally obliged to protect the privacy of their customers and employees, breaches of data protection regulations can lead to serious consequences. In this context, CYBER CURRICULUM® as your external data protection officer offers your company a comprehensive worry-free package in data protection.

Your benefits With us as your partner

Convince yourself of the advantages of working with us!

We are nationwide
active for you

Our services cover the whole of Germany to meet the needs of our customers from north to south and from east to west. Regardless of your location, we are proud to operate nationwide and offer you our expertise and support.

Data protection and
IT competence

Our data protection experts specialize in understanding the current data protection regulations and helping you to implement them optimally in your company. We are at your side to prevent data breaches and to react appropriately in the event of an incident.

A strong

Our mission is to treat your needs and concerns with the utmost care and commitment. As your contact partner, we are always available to answer your questions, clarify your concerns and accompany you on the way to your goals.

Commitment, resources and a clear strategy

The 7 key components of an effective data protection organization

To build an effective data protection organization in your company, the following key components are of utmost importance:

Appointing a qualified data protection officer is the first step. He acts as a key figure in a data protection organization and is responsible for monitoring compliance with data protection regulations, developing data protection guidelines and conducting training.

Well thought-out data protection guidelines and procedures form the foundation of a data protection organization. You should clearly define the rules and regulations for handling personal data and ensure that all employees understand and follow them.

All employees of a company must be informed about data protection practices. Training and awareness-raising measures should be carried out regularly to ensure that all employees are aware of current data protection regulations.
Conducting data protection impact assessments helps to evaluate risks and take appropriate measures to minimize risks. These measures can take many forms, such as adapting data protection policies and procedures, encrypting data, restricting access to personal data, training employees or implementing advanced security technologies.
The latest technology and tools should be used to protect, monitor and manage data. This can include encryption, access controls and security software, for example.
Continuous monitoring and regular data protection audits are necessary to ensure that data protection measures are effective and comply with legal requirements. A DPIA should not be seen as a one-off task, but as an ongoing process that involves reviewing, updating and adapting data protection practices to ensure that they meet changing requirements and threats.
In order to be able to respond to data breaches in a timely and appropriate manner, it is particularly important to develop a clear process that includes the early identification of data breaches, immediate reporting to the competent authorities and transparent communication with the data subjects. A quick and effective response to data breaches is essential in order to limit potential damage and at the same time comply with legal reporting obligations.

Internal vs. external data protection officers in comparison

The choice between an internal and an external data protection officer depends on the individual requirements and priorities of your company. Careful consideration of the pros and cons is crucial in order to find the optimal data protection solution.

Internal data protection officer


  • In-depth understanding of company processes

  • Fast response to internal requests

  • Direct contact with employees and managers


  • Potential conflict of interest
  • Limited expertise in data protection issues

  • Higher personnel costs and training requirements

External data protection officer


  • Specialized expertise in data protection

  • Independence and objectivity

  • Cost savings and flexible contract models


  • Less internal process understanding

  • Possible longer response times

  • Limited personal contact


We offer transparency as the cornerstone of a strong partnership.

Transparent processes for the best data protection

  • Scalability: The ability to adjust costs as needed and only pay for services that are actually required.

  • Cost efficiency: The savings in personnel costs and resources compared to hiring an internal data protection officer.

  • Transparent pricing: Clear and understandable price structures with no hidden costs.

  • Expert knowledge: Access to experts with in-depth knowledge and experience in data protection.

  • Risk minimization: Investing in data protection to reduce data protection risks and potential financial losses.

Cost analysis for external data protection officers

The use of an external data protection officer offers numerous advantages, including the opportunity to utilize data protection expertise without burdening internal resources. The costs for an external data protection officer can vary depending on the size of the company and individual requirements.

In order to precisely determine the costs of hiring an external data protection officer, we rely on an individual and thorough approach that is specifically tailored to the particularities of your company. We therefore offer customized solutions that take into account your unique processes and structures for handling personal data.

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Data protection optimization made easy Contact us now.

Our experienced team is at your side to ensure efficient and cost-effective data protection in your company. Arrange a consultation with us now.